Monday, 20 August 2012

Oh what a week!

Down in Troll Valley we've had an eventful old week! 

Monday saw me going swimming with Red and our respective off spring. The tots loved the pool and would have happily stayed there a lot longer I'm sure! However as with all things, water time ended and off we went to get changed.
Before getting into the pool I dropped my trousers into a puddle, so it only seemed right that when we were collecting our things to get dressed afterwards that I drop Little Troll's trousers in the same one. Then whilst standing stock still in the cubicle, Little Troll slips falling flat on his back, he has a talent for the oddest and least expected accidents! So he hits his head on the floor with a decent clunk and is inconsolable for at least three minutes until I give him my towel, some juice and a snack. Leaving me with a baby towel to get dried with, I don't think I thought that through if I'm honest. However he happily sat sniffing, sipping and scoffing while I get dressed as quickly as possible, then sort him out and off we go.

 I had this amazing idea that if I didn't take his pushchair with us he would get super tired out and have a nap in the afternoon when we finally got home. Oh what a fool I am! Simple logic does not work with my son. He wasn't tired one bit, in fact he was so awake that on the walk back home before heading to town (for we both needed fresh trousers) he wanted to stop and look at everything, twigs, bushes, rubbish, if it was on our way he stopped to look at or poke it. Following behind Red and Princess a fair distance away they head to their house and us to ours. En route home Little Troll falls over not once or twice which I feel would be acceptable for a toddler, but six times! Six times! How is that possible? It's only a few minutes walk from Red's house to ours and he manages to fall over that many times! And on fall number five he falls flat on a pile of dog poop, straight in the middle of his chest. He is a manky child at times with hidden talents in mess making! So instead of heading to town with the ladies, Little Troll and I head straight to the bathroom for an emergency bath cancelling all other plans. 

Bare in mind this is only halfway through Monday, all this fun and it's only about 2pm! So Little Troll and I sit down to some cheese sandwiches. That can't possibly go wrong can it? Wrong! Little Troll decides in his infinite wisdom/childish curiosity that instead of eating said sandwich he should shove it up his nose! Not just a little bit, and not just a little way into his nose, but right the way back up to the back of the cavity. I remove all that I can, call the doctors who tell me they can't help and that Little Troll and I have to go to hospital to have it removed. So off we go to the hospital, sit waiting for a couple of hours and when we're seen he lays back and has the cheese and bread removed and we're sent on our way. Wasn't that exciting boys and girls? I know I found it utterly thrilling. It took several strong cups of tea to recover from that one!

Tuesday on wards the week passes by without much more excitement. We see friends, we potter about, the usual. (Though Thursday night was spent in the company of Dotty and Red with chocolate fondue and Champagne, which was rather nice!) Saturday comes around and we're off out to Big Troll's work family do. They've got so many things set up for the adults and the children, the food is wonderful and the bar is free! Little Troll was in his element! He was running about like a loon! On the bouncy castle, in the disco area, on the bouncy assault course designed for much older children. He was super happy and was his usual 'energetic' self. Every now and then he would make a dash for it out of the main room the event was held in and would try and hide from us, each time we would catch him and bring him back. (Though at once point with much apologies to some people setting up for a dance or fashion show as he ran into their room and up onto their brand new cat walk. 

It's on one of these many escape attempts that he takes a stick used for spinning plates on, throws it out of the door way and laughs. I put him back in the room, turn and pick up the stick and put it back in the room to discover he's gone. Big Troll hasn't got him, he's not in the room. He's not in the bar room he threw the stick into. He isn't there. I have never gone from one emotion to another so fast in my life. So Big Troll and I start looking for him, a couple of his work mates ask what's wrong and as soon as I tell them they join in the hunt. The problem with being in a place with lots of luxury things is that they have snazzy gadgets and things, such as automatic escalators and automatic lifts. So as you approach them and they start going or the doors open. By this point we've all split up to look for him, I head down an escalator, so many awful things running through my head, into a giant, dark room, no sign of him, no reply when I shout him, nothing. I head back up the escalator as fast as I can, pop my head outside and start looking there, nothing again. Head back inside and start looking in there, when some one says they've seen him. Big Troll moves like the wind up the escalator to a lady who is walking Little Troll back toward us looking very mischievous and chuffed with himself if a little sheepish. He had gone up the escalator, into another party room then on to the lifts. One push of a button and he would have gone goodness knows where. It's at that point we put his wrist strap on him and don't let him out of our sight for a nano-second for the rest of the event. I am so thankful to the people who helped us look for him, the ladies who found him, and the free bar for making it all OK afterwards! How I didn't sob when he was back with us is beyond me, because even thinking about it now makes me want to cry with all the "What ifs" in my mind. Any way! He was found and safe and wanting to play some more, it all having been a big game to him. 

He doesn't ever do things by halfs eh? Today is Sunday, a day where Little Troll has been bathed and fed, has played and read and driven us happily up the wall. A day where Big Troll has gamed and played with us, A day where I have made Casolet, Pavlova and Pancakes, as well as being a day where we went to my Troll-in-Laws and spent a few hours there with Little Troll running about making us all laugh and thoroughly enjoying himself. We have come home and eaten and put him to bed. How pleased am I that today has been uneventful? Very! Tonight Big Troll and I have watched Rise of the Planet of the Apes (the new one) and Murder by Death while he games (World of Tanks) and I have completed a few more cards. It has been thoroughly relaxing and I'm glad of it! 

Who knows what drama and excitment this next week will bring? We intend to go swimming and to a birthday party this week, but that's as big as our plans get. I have been posting this link on my facebook and twitter because I can't help but find it funny. Worse still I find it funnier each time I see it. So I hope that you will enjoy it too. 

Monday, 6 August 2012

Crafty Women.

During the visit to my parents in Yorkshire soon after my arm operation, my Mum showed me some of the latest craft things she'd been working on. She has always been into crafts, from making clothes when we were young, needle work and embroidery, card making to water colours and markers (Not to forget the literary crafts she is fond of.) My family is full of crafty women! (In many senses!) My Grandma was big on embroidery and knitting and card making, my Mum all sorts as I mentioned, my Sister jams and home grown gubbins, so it is no surprise that when there is something new to try that I too am on the bandwagon! My Mother and I are similar in many tastes and hobbies, this one has turned out to be one of my favourites! 

The most recent hobby (at that point) was Pro-Markers. I didn't really think they were going to be that exciting if I'm honest, but after choosing some line drawings that I liked from the net I sat with my Mum and started to learn how to work the markers, what they were capable of and how to make them do what I wanted. I admit that my first attempts weren't the most impressive in the world, but they were decent! So during my time up at my parents that week my Mum and I managed to do about six pictures all on the same theme to put up on Mini Troll's wall. And I have to say I think they look smashing!

Be kind, this was my second ever picture doing it and I think it's funky! I'd take pictures of the ones up on his wall be he's currently asleep.

The pens work in the strangest of ways, when I first started using them I was convinced I was doing it all wrong and combining colours wasn't going to work and if I used yellow on black or grey it would ruin the pen! Boy, was I wrong! They blend so well, you can build up colours to put the most complicated amount of detail into a picture. They work for most things, and I'm having fun discovering what they work best at for me. If you Google them there are some amazing pieces people have shared! I shall never be as good as them but I am thoroughly enjoying improving with each peace I work on. They're not cheap but if you want a hobby you can be really creative with and keep adding to then they're for you! 

So that was it then, as soon as our next pay day rolled around we discovered that Hobby Craft had the markers, and what's more they were in the sale! I got myself a few* packs and set to work experimenting. I have since become fairly good at using them, good enough to be happy to make cards for friends and family. I thoroughly enjoy using the markers and have ended up with a vast collection of them which is growing at a steady rate. And as if my newest hobby wasn't bad enough for poor Hubby Troll, a new craft store has opened up locally, a discount outlet store no less! They have some fantastic products, including LOTS of stamps, wooden, clear rubber etc at the most fantastic prices! Which has renewed my love more than before I have got the colouring bug even more now! 

I've not got much more to say about them at the moment, however I am attaching a few pictures of the cards and pictures I've done. I'm pleased with the majority of them. They are done mostly with markers but there are a few that are decoupage or other methods.

In conclusion, if I have your address and you have a special occasion coming up, don't be surprised if you receive one of my cards, they may not be perfect but I have made it just for you, totally personalised with a lot of love and care, so I hope you enjoy it as much as I have enjoyed making it. (Though some of them involve a lot of swearing in the making process!) 

Take care all.
*Read as Lot.

These aren't all the things I've done, but they're the ones I can find on my PC. I have more on the go and am getting better daily, if you would like me to make a card for you I will happily just for the experience it gives me.

Friday, 3 August 2012

Early rises and sanity demises!

Random Tea pic to start the day off right!

My adorable little Mini Troll woke me up this morning at about 5:30. It wasn't the first time he woke us up today for he had a restless night, which is quite unusual for him- he has slept through the night more or less since birth. So this morning he woke up, his daddy turned his light on en route to the loo and the first words out of Mini Troll's mouth were "Stories?" Last thing he said to me last night? "Stories?" The child is hooked on books! Which makes me happy, we're a family of readers so that suits us well. So while I'm lying in bed and Big Troll is getting ready to leave for work, Mini Troll is reading a 'Meg and Mog' book to us. It was very good! After a few minutes I go into him and he jumps up at me, and off to the change mat we go. Soon as the little beasty is down on there he is wriggling and giggling like a maniac! He thinks everything is funny this morning, he has the energy of a hundred hyperactive otters! Just as I'm putting his trousers on him he lets out a mighty trump and looks up innocently and asks me "What was that?" You have to give him his dues, a lesser person would not have got away with it! And off we go to the living room where I point out that he is up far too early because the cartoons are not even up yet, I feel this is a good way to judge time! If there are no cartoons in the morning it is too early, if there are no cartoons in the evening it is too late. Logics! I's got em!

As I mentioned in my last post, I am off wandering today up to my in laws, where Mini Troll will get spoilt and where he will no doubt destroy everything in sight! He loves going up there, he can run around hiding and destroying all new things! Plus there are rabbits and cats for him to love (and eat their food!) I am hoping today will go by quickly and that the weekend will go by slowly, but I'm sure it will be the other way round! Usually I don't mind early starts on Fridays as we have playgroup to wear him out and I stand at least a slim chance of him napping. But sadly today is not one of those days and no doubt by 10am I will be flagging!

We have no plans this weekend other than sending Daddy Troll up into the loft to sort out the water tank, then if he's a good boy I might make him stay up there while I pass things up to him! What a lucky boy he is! Muhahahaha! Maybe when he goes up there he will find a treasure chest full of money or something? I doubt it, but we live in hope eh? I just pray that this time Big Troll manages to stay inside the loft and not come through the ceiling!

Well that's my early morning ramble over with! Have a good Friday and enjoy your weekend! I am off to clean cereal off the living room floor and make more tea!

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Flowers, Bacon and Taping-Teddies.

What exciting things can I tell you today? Well, let's start with worldly topics eh? That blonde chap got stuck on a rope, some one won some chocolate coins on ribbons and somewhere someone did something wrong. Think that's up to date on world news, the weather today has been sunny then drizzly followed swiftly by a massive down-pour and then some more glorious sun! We have eaten, we have put the Mini Troll to bed, I have sat and read and Big Troll has been gaming. How utterly thrilling is all that eh? 

So that's the most basic of things out of the way at least. 
Had an interesting last few days, not been feeling the cheeriest of bunnies, which has meant that Mini Troll and I have done the bare minimum of going out, it would be unfair to force my glumness on the general population I'm sure you'll agree. However we have had a fun few days, we have destroyed the house daily, eaten scrummy food and made lots of mess. We have had lots of fun with bubbles and crayons and celotape, though not all together!

Today I met up with Red, Dotty, Princess, G and Red's older child. After popping into the post office to post a well over due parcel to my lovely friend who I shall call Ms Hull, Red's son and I with babies wandered down to catch up with Red who had "Gone to the cash machine." Which actually turned out to be the florists, where she came out and produced a big bunch of beautiful flowers with a flourish. To cheer me up. She's not seen me in days and yet knew I needed something lovely. The flowers are now happily sitting brightening up the living room looking very nice indeed. I very much appreciated them and her. So if you read this, thank you again!

After surprise flowers we went to our usual haunt and met up with Dotty and G and had a nice breakfast. Which other than G, Princess and random child managing to somehow collapse a bank of seating and fall into the hole was relatively uneventful but very enjoyable. A brief walk through town, good byes said and then home (just in time to miss the massive downpour.) After that Mini Troll and I vegged out reading books, playing with celotape and teddies and cooking dinner. Mini Troll even cut up a carrot for dinner for us, technically he just hit some sliced carrot with his wooden knife from his kitchen set, but he looked very proud of himself!

We have recently been trying what order to do the mass of things to the house in. Our final decision for what we'll be doing next is ....... *drum roll* the bathroom!! We've picked tiles, we've discussed what we're going to do and I've called the window company to come and quote us for some new window. I look forward to the room being finished so that we can move onto yet another part of the house. It's never ending! Part of me wishes we rented, but I'm eternally grateful for the fact that Big Troll owned his house before I met him. Getting onto the property ladder at this point would be so difficult with the sums of money companies want for the deposits. However I dream of a nice 4 bed semi or detached, with at least a back garden if not a front one too, ooo and parking! That would be fantastic! A bigger house would mean that we could think about making more Trolls! Though goodness knows what that one would be nicknamed! 

We were planning to spend my birthday with my family in Yorkshire, however after a *mix-up* with holiday days we now aren't. So we shall be down here and there better well be damn cake! (Not baked by me!!) Really disappointed but it can't be helped. We are going to see them soon afterwards I hope. When I'm up there I also intend to go and drink copious amounts of tea at the houses of friends who I haven't seen in too long, so be warned!

Tomorrow Mini Troll and I shall be off on our travels, well we're going for a walk and then we're off to my in laws to see my mother in law and co. We had my Granddad-in-laws funeral a week ago tomorrow. It was a nice service with a large turn out. My sister in law wrote a beautiful piece about him and his life and all the obstacles he had over come, and my cousin in law sang a song, and it was stunningly beautiful! Both ladies did so well, they should be proud of themselves, I am certainly proud of them as I'm sure the rest of the family is too. I said it before and I shall say it again, Granddad will be very much missed. My in laws have been so strong and have dealt with everything so well, I hope they know that if they need anything they only have to ask. This is the song that my cousin in law sang, her version was so much more touching than the original and fitted perfectly with the man it was dedicated to. 

We had some friends stay last weekend, and they brought their dog. Mini Troll loves that beasty! He would have kept her given the chance I suspect, as would I if truth be told! I'd kill (not literally) for a dog, and theirs  has such a sweet temperament and was so well behaved that I could happily have Dog-napped her myself! As is tradition when there is a dog present Mini Troll tried to ride it, lick it, crawl with it and generally turn himself into a puppy. This is super cute and I could watch him do it all day! (As long as I had lots of tea!) It was smashing to see the ladies again, and hopefully we shall see them again soon! 

Seeing them makes me think about all the other lovely friends that we have, and how I would love to see them more often. We have friends spread out all over the world, and seeing them all often would be impossible, but the more local ones (UK) we will make more of an effort to see. 

I don't think I have much more to say at the moment, so I shall wish you all a good night and hope that your weekend comes swiftly and lasts a long time! 
Take care. 